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A series of workshops exploring the teachings and innovative ideas of Peter Hersnack. We currently have 3 workshops scheduled for 2025, but hope to offer a continuing series over the next few years.
Peter Hersnack was one of the first western students of TKV Desikachar, and a hugely influential teacher for Dave and Ranju.
For us, Peter was unique in formulating familiar ideas from the teaching of Desikachar in a radical and profound manner, opening up new horizons in our approach to practice and understanding the Yoga Sūtra. We will do our best to explore these as best we can, inevitably adding some of our own insights and allowing time for exploration in the group. Although complex in places, at the heart of Peter’s ideas was the goal of uncomplicated wholeness based on a profound sense of presence, informing both how we be in the world, and how we see. Hence the workshops will be in-person events and not recorded. You have to be there!
The weekend workshops will be based in Great Malvern, Worcestershire from 10.00am-5.00pm Saturday and 9.30-4.00pm on Sunday.
2025 dates:
15/16 Mar (earlybird by 14 Feb)
10/11 May (earlybird by 4 April)
13/14 Sept (earlybird by 31 July)
Cost £185 per workshop (£165 earlybird)
or enrol for the series of three 2025 workshops for £450
To enrol please Email Dave to book a place (payment through bank transfer after confirmation of a place)