The Concept

The Sādhana Mālā Yoga Studies Programme offers a comprehensive approach to deepening your understanding and practice of Yoga, inspired by the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya, his son TKV Desikachar and their principle students. The Yoga Studies Programme is aimed at any interested and committed students, both those wishing to train as Yoga Teachers, and those who simply want to learn more and develop their practice

Yoga Teacher Training

We offer a modular route for those who want to take a basic Yoga Teacher Training (the Art of Teaching Yoga), or for prospective teachers who want advanced training that focuses on one-one teaching and the therapeutic application of Yoga (the Art of Individual Teaching or AIT)

You don’t have to train as a teacher to study with us

Most of our modules are also offered as part of a non-teaching study programme, so you can study Yoga and develop your practice to a high level without the need to become a Yoga teacher. You can either take modules on an ad-hoc basis or work towards a  Certificate or Diploma in Yoga Studies.

Our Courses & Qualifications

We structure our courses as modules,  typically 2-4 days, or packages of individual tuition. Both may be supported by online learning resources.

Modules are offered in the following categories:

  • Foundation level – for newer students
  • Certificate level – for teacher trainees or Certificate study course students
  • Diploma level – for AIT trainees or Diploma study course students
  • Art of Teaching Yoga level – specific modules for teacher trainees
  • Art of Individual Teaching (AIT) level – specific modules for AIT trainees
  • Advanced level – for AIT or Diploma study course graduates

Although modules are the means to gain our qualifications, they are open to anyone with the necessary pre-requisite experience.

Our modular approach to qualifications allows flexibility and study at your own pace

Qualifications are based on a “points” system whereby the short modular courses, online study and even individual tuition can earn credits towards certification. Each point corresponds approximately to a course or module day, 2 hours individual tuition, or a package of online learning. The following qualifications are offered


Foundation Level:

Essential Foundation in Yoga Studies

Minimum level: 9 pts non-teaching qualification

Foundation Certificate in Yoga Studies Minimum level: 18 pts non-teaching qualification

Yoga Teaching Qualifications:

Art of Teaching Yoga                  Minimum level: 55 pts                teaching qualification
(Equivalent to 200 hr basic level course aimed at teaching general groups, requires completion of Essential Foundation or Foundation Certificate as pre-requisite. Note: 5pts allocated to essential A&P which may not be required if previous qualifying training e.g. physiotherapy qualification)

Art of Individual Teaching(AIT)           Minimum level: 50 pts            advanced teaching qualification
(Aimed at teaching individuals and applying Yoga as a therapy, requires completion of Art of Teaching Yoga as pre-requisite. Existing teachers may join this course subject to the tutor’s evaluation of their understanding and experience in this approach.)

Yoga Study Qualifications:

These are loosely equivalent to the two teaching qualifications above, but for students who do not wish to teach and thus do not require  the teaching elements.

Certificate in Yoga Studies        Minimum level: 40 pts            non-teaching qualification
(requires completion of Essential Foundation or Foundation Certificate as pre-requisite)

Diploma in Yoga Studies            Minimum level: 40 pts            non-teaching qualification
(requires completion of Certificate or Art of Teaching Yoga as pre-requisite)

Other prior learning (i.e. pre-existing training through other organisations) may be accepted as fulfilling pre-requisites, at the discretion of the course tutors.

Advance Study Qualifications:

Advanced Yoga Studies             Minimum level: 40 pts            non-teaching qualification
(Requires completion of Diploma in Yoga Studies or Art of Individual Teaching as pre-requisite)


Although there is flexibility, there are some compulsory elements to ensure standards are met

Note: each qualification will have specific requirements such as compulsory courses or content, and specific assessment requirements. For example, the Art of Teaching Yoga will require completion of specific teaching skills modules and requires completion of a minimum hours live teaching. Requirements are stipulated below in the detailed description of each course.

What is the difference between the Foundation Certificate in Yoga Studies and the Essential Foundation?

The Essential Foundation is the minimum pre-requisite for entry to the higher level courses but, as a minimum, is quite narrow in scope. The Foundation Certificate is broader and is the recommended pre-requisite.

What is the difference between the Certificate in Yoga Studies and the Art of Teaching Yoga?

The Certificate in Yoga Studies is approximately equivalent to the Art of Teaching Yoga, without the teaching element. So you wouldn’t do both. However there is a route to convert from the Certificate to the Art of Teaching Yoga qualification by doing the additional teaching-specific modules if you start with the Certificate and then decide you want to teach.

What is the place of the Diploma in Yoga Studies?

The Diploma in Yoga Studies is a continuing study option for those that have done the Certificate and don’t want to teach. It is also a possibility for Art of Teaching Yoga graduates who want to continue their studies but not pursue AIT.

Why do the Art of Individual Teaching?

The full teacher training in this approach consists of the Art of Teaching Yoga AND the Art of Individual Teaching(AIT). In the AIT we deepen the study of yoga and expand our teaching skills particularly with the focus on designing personal practices for individuals and applying yoga therapeutically.